Cara Upload Proyek dari Siemens HMI Menggunakan Prosave dan Portal TIA

Tabel Poin Penting

What tools do I need to upload from Siemens HMI?Prosave and TIA Portal.
Can I edit the uploaded project directly?No, you can only backup and restore it using Prosave.
What is the main difference between Prosave and TIA Portal?Prosave is for backup and restore; TIA Portal allows comprehensive project management.
What are common issues during upload?Connectivity issues, incorrect HMI model selection, and configuration errors.
Where can I get support for Siemens HMI uploads?Siemens support pages and professional forums.


Siemens HMI systems are integral to industrial automation, providing interfaces for operators to control and monitor machinery. As a leading provider of Siemens PLCs, HMIs, and Inverters,KontrolNexus memahami pentingnya memelihara dan memperbarui sistem ini. Panduan ini akan memandu Anda melalui proses pengunggahan proyek dari HMI Siemens menggunakan Prosave dan Portal TIA.

Memahami Proses Pengunggahan HMI Siemens

Mengunggah proyek dari Siemens HMI sangat penting untuk memastikan keandalan dan efisiensi sistem Anda. Proses ini melibatkan penggunaan alat seperti Prosave dan TIA Portal. Prosave terutama digunakan untuk pencadangan dan pemulihan, sedangkan Portal TIA memungkinkan manajemen proyek yang komprehensif.

Alat yang Dibutuhkan

Agar berhasil mengunggah proyek dari Siemens HMI, Anda memerlukan:

  • Simpan: Untuk membuat cadangan dan memulihkan proyek.
  • Portal TIA: Untuk mengelola dan mengonfigurasi proyek HMI.
  • Model HMI Siemens yang Relevan: Pastikan kompatibilitas dengan alat Anda.

Anda dapat mengunduh Prosave dan TIA Portal dariHalaman dukungan Siemens.

Persyaratan sistem

Pastikan sistem Anda memenuhi persyaratan berikut:

  • Sistem Operasi Windows (versi yang kompatibel)
  • Memori dan penyimpanan yang cukup
  • Perangkat lunak Siemens yang diinstal dan dikonfigurasi dengan benar

Mempersiapkan Pengunggahan

Sebelum memulai proses pengunggahan, ikuti langkah-langkah persiapan berikut ini:

Periksa Kompatibilitas

Pastikan model HMI Siemens Anda kompatibel dengan Prosave dan TIA Portal. Model umum meliputi:

Hubungkan HMI ke PC

Pastikan HMI Anda terhubung dengan benar ke PC Anda menggunakan kabel dan konfigurasi jaringan yang sesuai. Lihat panduan kami diMenghubungkan Siemens HMI ke PC.

Cadangkan Konfigurasi Saat Ini

Gunakan Prosave untuk membuat cadangan konfigurasi HMI saat ini:

  1. Luncurkan Prosave.
  2. Atur koneksi dengan memilih model HMI yang benar.
  3. Mulai proses pencadangan dan simpan file dengan aman.

Praktik terbaik

  • Verifikasi integritas file cadangan.
  • Pastikan tidak ada operasi aktif pada HMI selama pencadangan.
  • Beri label dan simpan cadangan secara sistematis agar mudah diambil.

Panduan Langkah demi Langkah untuk Menggunakan Prosave

Meluncurkan Prosave

  1. Buka Prosave di PC Anda.
  2. Hubungkan Siemens HMI Anda ke PC melalui Ethernet atau koneksi yang sesuai.

Menyiapkan Koneksi

  1. Pilih model HMI Anda dari daftar.
  2. Konfigurasikan alamat IP dan pengaturan komunikasi.
  3. Uji koneksi untuk memastikannya aktif.

Memulai Pengunggahan

  1. Arahkan ke tab "Cadangan" di Prosave.
  2. Pilih file cadangan yang ingin Anda unggah.
  3. Mulai proses pengunggahan dan pantau kesalahan apa pun.

Memverifikasi Proyek yang Diunggah

  1. Setelah pengunggahan selesai, restart HMI.
  2. Verifikasi bahwa proyek yang diunggah berfungsi dengan benar.
  3. Perform any necessary configurations to match the system requirements.

Memecahkan Masalah Umum

  • Masalah Konektivitas: Ensure cables are securely connected and IP addresses are correctly configured.
  • Incorrect HMI Model Selection: Double-check that you have selected the correct HMI model in Prosave.
  • Kesalahan Konfigurasi: Review the settings and parameters in both Prosave and the HMI.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using TIA Portal

Launching TIA Portal

  1. Open TIA Portal on your PC.
  2. Buat proyek baru atau buka proyek yang sudah ada.

Menyiapkan Koneksi

  1. Configure the connection settings in TIA Portal.
  2. Add the HMI device to your project.
  3. Establish a connection with the HMI.

Configuring HMI Settings

  1. Navigate to the HMI settings in TIA Portal.
  2. Adjust the configurations to match your project requirements.
  3. Save and compile the project.

Uploading the Project

  1. Navigate to the “Online” tab in TIA Portal.
  2. Pilih opsi “Unggah ke HMI”.
  3. Ikuti petunjuk untuk menyelesaikan pengunggahan.

Memecahkan Masalah Umum

  • Kegagalan Koneksi: Periksa pengaturan jaringan dan pastikan HMI terhubung dengan benar.
  • Ketidakcocokan Konfigurasi: Memastikan pengaturan proyek di Portal TIA selaras dengan persyaratan HMI.
  • Kesalahan Pengunggahan: Tinjau pesan kesalahan dan konsultasikan dengan dukungan Siemens jika diperlukan.

Dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah terperinci ini, Anda dapat mengunggah proyek secara efisien dari HMI Siemens Anda menggunakan Prosave dan Portal TIA, memastikan sistem Anda selalu mutakhir dan beroperasi.

Membandingkan Portal Prosave dan TIA

Dalam hal pengunggahan dan pengelolaan proyek HMI Siemens, Prosave dan TIA Portal memainkan peran penting. Namun, setiap alat memiliki fitur dan manfaat berbeda yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan berbeda.



  • Backup and Restore: Prosave is excellent for creating backups of your HMI projects. This ensures that you have a reliable copy of your project that can be restored if needed.
  • Simple Interface: The tool is straightforward and easy to use, making it ideal for quick backups.


  • Non-Editable Backups: Projects backed up with Prosave cannot be edited. They are only useful for restoration purposes.
  • Limited Functionality: Prosave is primarily a backup tool and does not offer the advanced project management features found in TIA Portal.

Portal TIA


  • Comprehensive Project Management: TIA Portal offers extensive tools for managing, editing, and configuring HMI projects. It integrates seamlessly with other Siemens software and hardware.
  • Advanced Features: Users can take advantage of features like simulation, diagnostics, and detailed configuration options.
  • Fleksibilitas: TIA Portal supports various Siemens HMI models and provides a unified platform for multiple automation tasks.


  • Complexity: The advanced features and extensive capabilities of TIA Portal can be overwhelming for new users.
  • Higher Resource Requirements: TIA Portal requires more system resources and may necessitate a more powerful PC setup.

Tip dan Trik Tingkat Lanjut

To make the most of your Siemens HMI projects, consider the following advanced tips and tricks:

Optimize the Upload Process

  • Pencadangan Reguler: Schedule regular backups using Prosave to ensure you always have the latest version of your project saved.
  • Use of Templates: In TIA Portal, create and use templates for common HMI configurations to save time and ensure consistency.
  • Batch Uploads: When dealing with multiple HMIs, use batch processing features in TIA Portal to streamline the upload process.

Hindari Kesalahan Umum

  • Verifikasi Koneksi: Always double-check your network and cable connections before initiating uploads to avoid interruptions.
  • Documentation: Keep detailed records of your HMI configurations and settings. This will help in troubleshooting and when restoring backups.
  • Tetap Diperbarui: Regularly update Prosave and TIA Portal to the latest versions to benefit from new features and bug fixes.


Can I edit the uploaded project in TIA Portal?

No, projects uploaded using Prosave cannot be edited. Prosave is designed for backup and restoration only. For project editing, you need the original project files that can be managed in TIA Portal.

What should I do if the upload fails?

Check your network connections and ensure that the correct HMI model is selected. Review any error messages for specific issues and consult Siemens support if necessary.

How to backup and restore HMI projects effectively?

Use Prosave to create regular backups of your HMI projects. Store these backups securely and label them clearly. For restoration, use the same tool to upload the backup file to the appropriate HMI device.


Maintaining and managing Siemens HMI systems is crucial for industrial automation. By using tools like Prosave and TIA Portal, you can ensure that your HMI projects are always backed up, up-to-date, and functioning optimally. Regular backups, proper configurations, and an understanding of the tools at your disposal will help you maintain a reliable and efficient automation system.

For more in-depth guides and high-quality Siemens products, visitKontrolNexus. Explore ourHMI Siemens and other industrial control products to enhance your automation processes.


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